Grilo capoeira organiseert verschillende events en workshops door het jaar heen. Tijdens deze internationale events worden verschillende mestres en leraren uit binnen- en buitenland uitgenodigd, om workshops te geven over capoeira, dans, muziek en percussie. s’ Avonds is het tijd voor de brazilian parties. De events zijn open voor capoeiristas van alle niveaus. Je kunt ons ook boeken voor jouw evenement. Wij zijn beschikbaar voor optredens, workshops en demonstraties, voor capoeira, samba en braziliaanse percussie.
Wil je informatie ontvangen over onze capoeira events, workshops en open roda’s? Meld je dan aan voor de Grilo Capoeira Nieuwsbrief!
Wil je ons boeken voor capoeira workshop, demonstratie of iets anders? Lees dan meer over de mogelijkheden om ons te boeken!
Capoeira Events Overzicht

Primavera workshop Terschelling 2020 – Grilo Capoeira
Workshop de Primavera Terschelling – 10 years anniversary The 10th edition of our workshop de Primavera will take place on the 14th until the 17th of May 2020. An exclusive workshop / Primavera celebration brought to you by Grilo Capoeira. It will take place in a wonderful resort on Terschelling, one of Holland’s most beautiful islands and part of the “Wadden” island group. A high quality capoeira workshop, in beautiful, calm and peaceful surroundings. A nice and relaxing weekend together, without time pressure. The weekend is fully catered and all costs are included: sleeping place at resort (dorm), capoeira workshops, percussion workshops, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and alegria. If you join the ferry on Thursday with the group, the ferry ticket (there and back) is also included. Price: 4 days € 280,- 3 days € 260,- Confirm your presence to mestre Grilo as soon as possible please. We need to make reservations up front and need a minimum of people for the event to take place. +31653610318 or (subscribing to the fb-event only, is not enough) Expected Ferry departure times (check again when we get closer to the event) Thursday 23/05 15:00 Ferry Boat departure from Harlingen Sunday 26/05 17:30 […]

Capoeira winter meeting Amsterdam 2020
Grilo Capoeira Winter Meeting Amsterdam 2020 Encontro de Inverno 13-16 February Capoeira Event organized by Mestre Grilo and alunos, Escola Senzala Bem vindo in Amsterdam! It can be very helpful for the organisation of our event if you could let us know in advance if you would like to join. For those traveling from abroad, sleeping places can be arranged (please bring your own matras and sleeping bag) Subscribe to our facebook-event: Encontro de Inverno 2020 – GriloCapoeira – Amsterdam Confirmed Mestre Sorriso Mestre Rui Mestre Will Mestre Requeijão Mestre Banana Mestre Pé de Vento Mestre Joel Contra mestre Kanguru Contra mestre Esperto Pandeiro class with Claudio Kron Program Thu February 13th, 19.00 – 22.00 Percussion class with Claudio Pandeiro, Capoeira training, opening Roda basisschool de Avonturijn, Rustenburgerstraat 236 Fri February 14th, 19.00 – 22.00 Capoeira Training All Levels & Roda Rosa Boekdrukkerschool, Vancouverstraat 3 Sat February 15th 12.00 – 17.00: Capoeira Training All Levels 15.00 – 17.00: Kids trainings 17.15 – end: Rodas, Batizado, Graduação de Contra Mestre Quase Sporthal Wethouder Verweij, Polderweg 300 Sun February 16th 12.00 – 17.00: Capoeira Training All Levels 17.15 – end: Final Roda Rosa Boekdrukkerschool, Vancouverstraat 3 Party & Dinner Brazilian party – Sat February 15th Live music, […]

Capoeira event Leiden 2019 – Grilo Capoeira
Capoeira meeting Leiden– Grilo Capoeira 2019 3-day capoeira event hosted by mestre Grilo and alunos Grilo Capoeira – Escola Senzala Confirmed Mestre Sorriso (Grupo Senzala) Mestre Pé de Vento (Biriba Brasil) Mestre Grilo (Grupo Senzala) Time Schedule Fri 15 nov: 19.00 – 22.00 Sat 16 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Sun 17 nov: adults 12.00 – 17.00 kids workshop 11.30 – 13.00 parents music workshop 11.30 – 13.00 Price 3 or 2 days: € 50,- 1 day: € 35,- kids: € 5,- parents: free -More info will follow soon -Bring your instruments -Sleeping places will be arranged in the houses of our local students. Please bring your own sleeping gear. (fb-event: Capoeira event Leiden 2019) Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Bremen 2019
Bremen capoeira workshop It’s time for our annual Grilo Capoeira Summer workshop in Bremen. Come join us, everybody is welcome! Capoeira and music classes for all levels. Saturday night party in Meyman in Neustadt. Hosted by Mestre Grilo, Professor Quase and alunos, escola senzala Bremen. Confirmed: Mestre Requeijão – Biriba Brasil Mestre Negão – Brasa Brasil Mestre Pé de Vento – Biriba Brasil Program: Fr │21st of June │19:30h – 22:00h Sat │22nd of June │12:00h – 19:00h Sun │23rd of June │12:00h – 17:00h Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │22nd of June │ 22:00h – open end “Festa do Brasil in Bremen” – Party with live music feat. Verão Tropical Meyman, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 145, 28199 Bremen Please let use know in advance if you need a sleeping place and bring your sleeping bag + mattres. Price: € 60 for 3 or 2 days, € 35 for 1 day FB-event: Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Bremen 2019 For further information contact Professor Quase |│

Primavera workshop Terschelling 2019 – Grilo Capoeira
Workshop de Primavera Our yearly workshop de Primavera will take place on the 23rd until the 26th of May 2019. An exclusive workshop / Primavera celebration brought to you by Grilo Capoeira. It will take place in a wonderful resort on Terschelling, one of Holland’s most beautiful islands and part of the “Wadden” island group. A high quality capoeira workshop, in beautiful, calm and peaceful surroundings. A nice and relaxing weekend together, without time pressure. The weekend is fully catered and all costs are included: sleeping place at resort (dorm), capoeira workshops, percussion workshops, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and alegria. If you join the ferry on Thursday with the group, the ferry ticket (there and back) is also included. Price: 4 days € 270,- 3 days € 250,- We need to make reservations up front. There are limited spaces available for Thursday the 23rd. If you like to participate for 4 days, please inform us as soon as possible. Subscribe by confirming to mestre Grilo: +31653610318 or (subscribing to the fb-event only, is not enough) Thursday 23/05 15:00 Ferry Boat departure from Harlingen Sunday 26/05 17:30 Ferry Boat departure from Terschelling Island info Terschelling Resort: – Bring your […]

Capoeira winter meeting Amsterdam 2019
Grilo Capoeira Winter Meeting 2019 Encontro de Inverno 14-17 February Capoeira Event organized by Mestre Grilo and alunos, Escola Senzala Pre-registration can be very helpful for the organisation of our event. Please let us know if you would like to join. For those traveling from abroad, sleeping places can be arranged (please bring your own matras and sleeping bag)(Bring your pandeiro for the pandeiro workshops) Subscribe to our facebook-event: Encontro de Inverno 2019 – GriloCapoeira – Amsterdam Confirmed guests Mestre Sorriso – Grupo Senzala Mestre Samara – Grupo Senzala Mestre Rui – Grupo Senzala Mestre Requeijão – Biriba Brasil Mestre Pele – Grupo Senzala Mestre Timbalada – Grupo Senzala Mestre Pé de Vento – Biriba Brasil Mestre Barao – Association Barracao école Contramestre Sanhaço – Grupo Senzala Claudio Kron (pandeiro workshops) Noëlla Das (Afrobrazilian dance) Program Thu February 14th, 19:30 – 22:00 Percussion class with Claudio Pandeiro, Capoeira training, opening Roda basisschool de Avonturijn, Rustenburgerstraat 236 Fri February 15th, 18:30 – 22:00 Capoeira Training All Levels Rosa Boekdrukkerschool, Vancouverstraat 3 Sat February 16th, 11.30 – 17:00 Capoeira, dance and percussion classes with mestres from Brazil and Europe. Kids training from 14.30 – 16.30 followed by Batizado. Sporthal Wethouder Verweij, Polderweg […]

Brazilian Party – The Flow Leiden – 17 Nov 2018
Brazilian Party Leiden Rodrigo Sanfoneiro with live band: Forro, samba, pagode, capoeira and more. Come and party with us Brazilian style!! The Flow Café Morsstraat 35 Leiden Saturday 17 of November doors open at 20.00 live music from 21.30 free entrance See the facebook event: Festa do Brasil – the Flow Leiden 2018 Video of an earlier edition of our Brazilian parties with Rodrigo Sanfoneiro:

Capoeira event Leiden 2018 – Grilo Capoeira
Capoeira meeting Leiden– Grilo Capoeira 2018 3-day capoeira event hosted by mestre Grilo and alunos Grilo Capoeira – Escola Senzala Workshops with Mestre Grilo (Senzala) Contramestre Jilo (Malungos) Time Schedule Fri 16 nov: 19.00 – 22.00 Sat 17 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Sun 18 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Price 3 or 2 days: € 50,- 1 day: € 35,- Party: € 5,- Brazilian party Saturday 17th of Nov: Festa do Brasil – the Flow Leiden -More info will follow soon -Bring your instruments -Sleeping places will be arranged in the houses of our local students. Please bring your own sleeping gear! (fb-event: Capoeira event Leiden 2018) Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Mao na Terra V – Capoeira Portugal
Capoeira, nature, sun, beach, surf The time is now! Invite your friends and join us for the 5th anniversary of the best Summer Capoeira event. Four days with a lot of energy in straight contact with Mother Nature! During the past years we have brought down trees, dived into waterfalls and slided over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; we have cut biribas which now vibrate through the four corners of the Planet; we have met a People and a region, from “pimba” music to the “Cante Alentejano”, we grilled sardines and tasted medronho, because some puns are better left unexplained… always with a big smile in our face! “Guerilla Capoeira” – Prof. Pedro “Even more extreme than Amazonia” – Professora Segredo “Capoeira in the beginning… was like this.” – Mestre Grilo Limited spaces. facebook event: Capoeira event Aljezur – Mao na Terra V ____ Chegou a hora! Convida os teus amigos e vem celebrar connosco o 5º aniversário do melhor evento de Capoeira de Verão. Quatro dias de muita energia em pleno contato com a Mãe Natureza! Ao longo dos últimos anos derrubámos àrvores, mergulhámos em cascatas e deslizámos pelas àguas do Oceano Atlântico; cortámos biribas que vibram agora […]

Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Bremen 2018
Come and join our annual Grilo Capoeira Summer workshop in the city of Bremen. Capoeira and music classses for all levels. Saturday night party in Neustadt. Hosted by Mestre Grilo, Professor Quase and alunos, escola senzala Bremen. Confirmed guests: Mestre Jorge (Biriba Brasil) Mestre Requeijão (Biriba Brasil) Fr │22 June │19:30h – 22:00h Sat │23 June │12:00h – 19:00h Sun │24 June │12:00h – 17:00h Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │24 June │ 22:00h – open end “Festa do Brasil in Bremen” – Party with live music feat. Verão Tropical Meyman, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 145, 28199 Bremen Please let use know in advance if you need a sleeping place and bring your sleeping bag. Price: € 60 for 3 or 2 days, € 35 for 1 day FB-event: Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Bremen 2018 For further information contact Professor Quase││ Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Primavera workshop Terschelling 2018 – Grilo Capoeira
Workshop de Primavera Our yearly workshop de Primavera will take place on the 24th until the 27th of may 2018. An exclusive workshop / Primavera celebration brought to you by Grilo Capoeira. It will take place in a wonderful resort on Terschelling, one of Holland’s most beautiful islands and part of the “Wadden” island group. A high quality capoeira workshop, in beautiful, calm and peaceful surroundings. A nice and relaxing weekend together, without time pressure. The weekend is fully catered and all costs are included: sleeping place at resort (dorm), capoeira workshops, percussion workshops, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and alegria. If you join the ferry on Thursday with the group, the ferry ticket (there and back) is also included. Confirmed: – Mestre Pé de Vento – Mestre Grilo Costs: € 295,- We need to make reservations up front. Subscribe in this fb-event as well as by confirming to mestre Grilo: +31653610318 or (subscribing to the fb-event only, is not enough) Thursday 24/05 15:00 Ferry Boat departure from Harlingen Sunday 27/05 17:30 Ferry Boat departure from Terschelling Island info Terschelling Resort: – Bring your instruments!!! – Bring your own bedsheets/sleeping bag and pillowsheets. (It is also possible to rent […]

Roda Amsterdam with Mestre Garrincha
Open hemelvaart roda de capoeira with special guest Mestre Garrincha Mestre Grilo and alunos invite you to come play with us and just enjoy the game! The roda will take place from 19:30 – 21:15 in basisschool de Avonturijn, Rustenburgerstraat 236, in de Pijp Amsterdam Let us know you will be joining us by subscribing to the facebook event: Roda Amsterdam with Mestre Garrincha (If the entrance is already closed, knock loud on the blue double door 10 meters on the right side of the entrance or call mestre Grilo +316 53610318)

Open Roda Amsterdam de Pijp
Roda de capoeira with mestre Grilo and students Come play with us and just enjoy the game! Vamos vadiar! Let us know you will be joining us by subscribing to the facebook event: Roda: de Pijp Amsterdam The roda will take place: – on Thursday the 12th of April 2018 – from 19:30 – 21:20 hours – on the Rustenburgerstraat 236, basisschool de Avonturijn – in the Pijp Amsterdam.

Festa do Brasil Amsterdam 2018
Brasilan Party Amsterdam Brazilian party with live band: Forro, samba, pagode, capoeira and more. Come and party with us Brazilian style!! Volta Houtmankade 336 Amsterdam Saturday 17th of February From 22.00 Entrance fee € 10,- (at the door) See the facebook event: Festa do Brasil – Volta Amsterdam 2018 Video of an earlier edition of our Festa do Brasil Amsterdam:

Capoeira winter meeting Amsterdam 2018
Grilo Capoeira Winter Meeting 2018 Encontro de Inverno 15-18 February Capoeira Event organized by Mestre Grilo and alunos, Escola Senzala Capoeira mestres and teachers from Europe and Brasil will be teaching classes for all levels. Plus special dance- and music classes. Bring your instrument! Pre-registration can be very helpful for the organisation of our event. Please let us know if you would like to join. For those traveling from abroad, sleeping places can be arranged (please bring your own matras and sleeping bag) Subscribe to our facebook-event: Encontro de Inverno 2018 – GriloCapoeira – Amsterdam Kids please register by filling out this form: Capoeira meeting Amsterdam 2018 – Kids Registratieformulier Confirmed special guests: – mestre Sorriso (Senzala) – mestre Samara (Senzala) – mestre Requeijão (Biriba Brasil) – mestre Torneiro (Senzala) – mestre Rui (Senzala) – mestre Pé de Vento (Biriba Brasil) – percussion with Edson Gomes Program: Thu February 15th, 19:15 – 22:00 Music, capoeira training and opening Roda basisschool de Avonturijn, Rustenburgerstraat 236 (tram 4 from Central Station) Fri February 16th, 18:30 – 22:00 Capoeira Training All Levels Rosa Boekdrukkerschool, Vancouverstraat 3 (tram 13 from Central Station) Sat February 17th, 11.30 – 17:30 Capoeira, dance and percussion classes with mestres. […]

Open Roda Amsterdam de Pijp
Roda de capoeira with mestre Grilo and students Come play with us and just enjoy the game! Vamos vadiar! Let us know you will be joining us by subscribing to the facebook event: Roda: de Pijp Amsterdam The roda will take place: – on Thursday the 21st of December 2017 – from 19:30 – 21:30 hours – on the Rustenburgerstraat 236, basisschool de Avonturijn – in the Pijp Amsterdam. (bring your instrument)

Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2017
Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2017 3-day capoeira event hosted by mestre Grilo and alunos Grilo Capoeira – Escola Senzala Special guests: Mestre Requeijão (Biriba Brasil, Noëlla Das (Afrobrazilian dance, Time Schedule: Fri 17 nov: 19.00 – 22.00 Sat 18 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Sat 18 nov: 22.00 Brazilian Party Sun 19 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 (afrobrazilian dance workshop on sunday) Price workshop: 3 or 2 days: € 50,- 1 day: € 35,- More info will follow soon Bring your instruments For visitors, sleeping places will be arranged in the houses of the students. Please bring your own sleeping gear! Facebook-event (subscribe): Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2017 Map Gym: Grilo Capoeira Leiden Contact details: Mestre Grilo +31653610318 Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Brazilian Party Leiden November 18th 2017
Come party with us Brazilian Style!!! Yearly Brazilian Party for our event Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2017. This year our event party will be combined with a special occasion. Bom Cabello and Ferrouche, two of our group members from Grilo Capoeira Leiden, are celebrating half their lives in capoeira this year!! Our party will be part of the monthly Brazilian Night at Dos Bailadores. Time: From 22.00 hrs Location: Dos Bailadores, Perzikweg 2, 2321 DG, Leiden Entrance fee: € 10,- Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Open Roda Leiden – September 29th 2017
Come play with us and just enjoy the game! Vamos vadiar! Let us know you will be joining us by subscribing to the facebook event: Open Roda Leiden The roda will take place: – on Friday the 29th of september 2017 – from 20:00 – 22:00 hours – at Grilo Capoeira Leiden – P.C. Hooftlaan 13, 2332 AX Leiden (Bring your instrument) Contact details: Mestre Grilo +31653610318 Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Kidsroda afsluiting capoeiraseizoen 16/17
Op woensdag 28 juni vindt er weer een Grilo Capoeira Kidsroda plaats ter afsluiting van het seizoen. Datum: 28 juni Tijd: 15.00 – 17.00 uur Locatie (bij goed weer): Om 14.50 uur verzamelen bij Vlietlanden, Parkeerplaats langs de A4, Rietpolderweg 11, 2266 BM Leidschendam Locatie (bij regen): Om 14.50 uur verzamelen bij Gymzaal van Grilo Capoeira Leiden, P.C. Hooftlaan 13 Ook dit jaar sluiten we het capoeiraseizoen weer af met alle kinderen van Grilo Capoeira Leiden, Zoetermeer, Amsterdam en Voorschoten. Het zal plaatsvinden op het strandje van de de Vlietlanden bij Leiden/Leidschendam. (Mocht het weer niet mee zitten, dan gaan we naar de gymzaal). Ouders zijn uiteraard welkom om erbij te zijn. Met leuke capoeira- en muzieklessen en als afsluiting natuurlijk een kidsroda, maken we er samen een gezellige dag van! Neem mee: – je instrumenten – je zwemspullen (bij goed weer) – wat lekkers te eten/drinken Wij hebben er zin in. Tot de 28ste! Grilo Capoeira Kids Nederland

Grilo capoeira summer workshop Bremen
Come and join our annual Grilo Capoeira Summer workshop in the city of Bremen. Capoeira and music classses for all levels. Saturday night party in Viertel. Confirmed guests: Mestre Ousado (Capoeira Argola de Ouro, Singapore) Mestre Rui (Grupo Senzala, Copenhagen) Mestre Caracu (Grupo Senzala, Berlin) Mestre Moreira (Escola Mukambu de Capoeira Angola Paraíba, Hamburg) (hosted by Mestre Grilo, Professor Quase and alunos) Fr │23 June │19:30h – 22:00h Training & Welcome Roda Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │24 June │12:00h – 19:00h Capoeira and music classes for all levels Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │24 June │ 22:00h – open end “Festa do Brasil” – Party with live music feat. Verão Tropical Lagerhaus / Etage 3, Schildstr. 12-19, D-28203 Bremen Sun │25 June │12:00h – 17:00h Capoeira and music classes for all levels Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Please let use know in advance if you need a sleeping place and bring your sleeping bag. For further information contact Professor Quase││Facebook event│Facebook event party Workshop fee: 35,- € for one day / 60,- € for all days Subscribe for our Grilo Capoeira Newsletter and receive information about our upcoming capoeira events: See overview of all Grilo Capoeira Events

Primavera workshop Terschelling 2017 – Grilo Capoeira
Workshop de Primavera Our yearly workshop de Primavera will take place on the 25th untill the 28th of may 2017. An exclusive workshop / Primavera celebration brought to you by Grilo Capoeira. It will take place in a wonderful resort on Terschelling; one of Holland’s most beautiful islands and part of the “Wadden” island group. A high quality capoeira workshop, in beautiful, calm and peacefull surroundings. A nice and relaxing weekend together, without time pressure. The weekend is fully catered and all costs are included: sleeping place at resort (dorm), capoeira workshops, percussion workshops, breakfast, lunch, diner, drinks and alegria. If you join the ferry on thursday with the group, the ferry ticket (there and back) is also included. Confirmed Guests: – Mestre Grilo (host) – Mestre Requeijão – Mestre Pé de Vento Costs: € 270,- We need to make reservations up front. Subscribe in this fb-event as well as by confirming to mestre Grilo: +31653610318 or (subscribing to the fb-event only, is not enough) Thursday 25/05 15:00 Ferry Boat departure from Harlingen Sunday 28/05 17:30 Ferry Boat departure from Terschelling Island info Terschelling Resort: – Bring your instruments!!! – Bring your own bedsheets/sleeping bag and pillowsheets. (It is also possible to rent there […]

Capoeira Kidsroda Voorjaar 2017
Op zaterdag 8 april vindt er weer een Grilo Capoeira Kidsroda plaats. Kidsdag: 14.00 – 15.30 uur Volwassenen: Vanaf 15.00 uur Locatie: Gymzaal van Grilo Capoeira Leiden, P.C. Hooftlaan 13 Op deze dag komen we met alle leerlingen van Grilo Capoeira samen om capoeira te spelen. Alle kids uit Leiden, Zoetermeer, Voorschoten en Amsterdam zijn uitgenodigd om erbij te zijn. Zoals altijd staat plezier maken bij ons voorop. Het leuke aan deze dag is dat de kids de mogelijkheid krijgen om elkaar en de verschillende leraren te leren kennen. Dit is je kans om ook aan anderen te laten zien welke stoere moves je hebt geleerd op de training. Ouders zijn uiteraard welkom om te kijken en de volwassen capoeiristas zijn welkom om te helpen met muziek en voor de goede energie. Zorg ervoor dat je om 13.50 uur aanwezig bent om je om te kleden. Neem je instrumenten en natuurlijk je capoeirakleding mee. Ook is het goed om wat te eten en drinken mee te nemen. Vanaf 15.00 uur komen de volwassenen. We zullen dan allen gezamenlijk een Roda doen; de kids, de volwassenen en mestre Grilo. Vanaf 15.30 uur gaan we verder met de Roda voor de volwassenen. Geen training, gewoon even lekker capoeira spelen […]

Capoeira Winter Meeting Amsterdam – Encontro de Inverno 2017
Grilo Capoeira Winter Meeting 2017 Capoeira Event organized by Mestre Grilo, Escola Senzala Capoeira mestres and teachers from Europe and Brasil will be teaching classes for all levels. Plus special dance- and music classes. Bring your instruments! Pre-registration can be very helpful for the organisation of our event. Please let us know if you would like to join. For those traveling from abroad, sleeping places can be arranged (please bring your sleeping gear) FB-events: Encontro de Inverno 2017 – GriloCapoeira – Amsterdam Confirmed special guests: – mestre Pantera (Cordão de Ouro) – mestre Sorriso (Senzala) – mestre Rui (Senzala) – mestre Requeijão (Biriba Brasil) – mestre Timbalada (Senzala) – mestre Pé de Vento (Biriba Brasil) – contra mestre Macumba (Capoeira Reversão) – Pandeiro Class with Claudio Kron Program workshop: Thu February 16th, 18:45 – 22:00 Music, capoeira training and opening Roda Montessorischool de Ekster, Karel Du jardinstraat 74, 1073 TE (tram 4 from Central Station) Fri February 17th, 18:45 – 22:00 Capoeira Training All Levels Rosa Boekdrukkerschool, Vancouverstraat 3 (tram 13 from Central Station)(this is also the sleeping place) Sat February 18th, 11:30 – 18:00 Capoeira, dance and percussion classes with mestres. c.mestres and teachers […]

Open Dag: Chassé Dance Studios Amsterdam
Chassé Dance Studios heeft weer een Open Dag! Op zondag 15 januari biedt Chassé Dance Studios Amsterdam weer aan iedereen de mogelijkheid om kennis te maken met het lesaanbod en de docenten! Zowel jong als oud kunnen diverse dansstijlen, conditie- en stretch lessen uitproberen. Grilo Capoeira is er ook dit jaar weer bij met gratis open capoeiralessen van mestre Grilo. Grijp je kans om erbij te zijn! Elk uur starten er 8 gratis lessen in verschillende stijlen, voor verschillende leeftijden en op verschillende niveaus. Het exacte schema en de begintijden van de capoeiralessen volgen binnenkort. De omgebouwde historische kerk waarin Chassé Dance Studios is gevestigd, is tevens de plek waar wekelijks de dinsdagtraining van Grilo Capoeira Amsterdam plaats vindt. Een prachtige locatie in de Baarsjes in Amsterdam. Iedere dinsdag van 20.00 uur tot 21.30 uur is iedereen welkom om mee te doen! Zie ook: – capoeirales – capoeirales voor kinderen – capoeira Amsterdam ———————- Chassé Dance Studios: Open Day! On Sunday the 15th of January Chassé Dance Studios Amsterdam gives you the opportunity to get to know all their classes and teachers. Both kids and adults can try out different styles of dance, stretch classes and physical training. Just like last year, Grilo Capoeira will be […]

Festa do Brasil: De Burcht Leiden
Festa Do Brasil Brazilian party with live music: Forro, samba, pagode. Come and party with us Brazilian style!! Societeit de Burcht Burgsteeg 14, Leiden Saturday 21st of November From 21.00 – 03.00 hrs Live music from 21.30 hrs Free entrance See the facebook event: Festa do Brasil: De Burcht Leiden

Roda: de Pijp Amsterdam
Roda de capoeira with mestre Grilo and students Come play with us and just enjoy the game! Vamos vadiar! Let us know you will be joining us by subscribing to the facebook event: Roda: de Pijp Amsterdam The roda will take place: – on Thursday the 20th of oktober – from 19:00 – 21:00 hours – on the Karel du Jardinstraat 76 1073 TE, Montessorischool ‘De Scholekster’ – in the Pijp Amsterdam. (bring your instrument)

Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2016
3-day workshop hosted by mestre Grilo Grilo Capoeira – Escola Senzala Special Guests : Mestre Pelé (Senzala, Torino, Mestre Timbalada (Senzala, Geneva, Mestre Pé de Vento (Biriba Brasil, Germany, BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS!!! FB-events: Grilo Capoeira – Workshop Leiden 2016 Time Schedule: Fri 25 nov: 19.00 – 22.00 Sat 26 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Sun 27 nov: 12.00 – 17.00 Price workshop: 3 or 2 days: € 50,- 1 day: € 35,- Sat 27 nov: 21.00 – 03.00 Brazilian party with live music: Entrance free Societeit de Burcht, Burgsteeg 14, Leiden Sat 27 nov: 19.30 Indonesian dinner, 12,50 euro p.p. If you would like to join, please inform mestre Grilo. Restaurant: Sumatra House, nieuwe beestenmarkt 14, Leiden For visitors, sleeping places will be arranged in the houses of the students. Please bring your own sleeping gear! Contact details: Mestre Grilo +31653610318 Map Gym:

Mão Na Terra 2016
Mestre Grilo e Alunos – SW Portugal Quinta-feira 25/08 10:00-13:00-Montagem de tendas 13:00-14:00-Almoço 15:00-18:00-Capoeira 19:00-20:00-Jantar Sexta-feira 26/08 7:30-8:30-Ioga 8:30-10:00-Pequeno-almoço 10:30-12:30-Capoeira 13:00-14:00-Almoço 14:30-16:30-Capoeira 17:00-18:00-Momento Natureza 19:00- 20:00-Jantar Sábado 27/08 7:30-8:30-Ioga 8:00-09:30-Pequeno-almoço 10:00-12:00-Danças Africanas 10:00-12:00-Capoeira no Rogil 12:00-14:00-Almoço 14:00-16:00-Batizado infantil 16:30-19:30-Roda @ Noite Branca 20:00-…-Jantar Domingo 28/08 7:30-8:30-Ioga 8:30-10:00-Pequeno-almoço 10:30-12:30-Capoeira 13:00-…-Almoço Para quem quiser ficar mais tempo juntos, antes ou depois do fim de semana, podemos ir surfar, fazer trekking, mais rodas, festas… e também precisamos de ajuda nos preparativos! Por favor confirmem a participação assim que possível para nos ajudar na organização do encontro. For more info see fb-event: Mão Na Terra 2016

Grilocapoeira Workshop “25 Years of Escola Senzala Bremen”
Mestre Grilo and friends will be celebrating 25 years of Escola Senzala Bremen Fr │24 June │19:30h – 22:00h Training & Welcome Roda Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │25 June │12:00h – 19:00h Capoeira and music classes for all levels Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Sat │25 June │ 22:00h – open end “Festa do Brasil” – Party with live music feat. Verão Tropical Lagerhaus / Etage 3, Schildstr. 12-19, D-28203 Bremen Sun │26 June │12:00h – 17:00h Capoeira and music classes for all levels Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 52, D-28203 Bremen, Germany Afterwards churrasco / BBQ (more info will follow) Workshop fee: 35,- € for one day / 60,- € for all days Please let use know in advance if you need a sleeping place and bring your sleeping bag. For further information: – see fb-event: Grilocapoeira Workshop “25 Years of Escola Senzala Bremen” – or contact Prof. Quase:│ Confirmed guests: – Mestre Samara – Mestre Requeijão – Mestre Caracu – Mestre Vida Nova – Contramestre Pé de Vento – Contramestre Joel (hosted by Mestre Grilo, Professor Quase and alunos) THIS EVENT HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. Have a look at our colourful photo albums: – 25 year Grilo Capoeira Bremen – Capoeira Senzala-mestre Grilo-Bremen […]

Capoeira strandfeest voor Kids – seizoenafsluiting 2016!
Om het capoeiraseizoen af te sluiten met alle kinderen van Grilo Capoeira Leiden, Zoetermeer en Voorschoten, organiseren we een capoeira strandfeest! Het feest zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 18 juni van 11.00 – 15.00 uur op het strandje van de de Vlietlanden bij Leiden/Voorschoten. Neem je zwembroek, instrumenten en misschien wat eten+drinken mee. (Mocht het weer niet mee zitten, dan gaan we naar de gymzaal)

Primavera workshop Terschelling 2016 – Grilo Capoeira
Workshop de Primavera From the 19th untill the 22nd of may 2016 Grilo Capoeira brings you the yearly workshop de Primavera, an exclusive workshop / Primavera celebration. It will take place in a wonderful resort on Terschelling; one of Holland’s most beautiful islands and part of the “Wadden” island group. A high quality capoeira workshop, without time pressure, in a nice and relaxing weekend together, with beautiful, calm and peacefull surroundings. The weekend is fully catered and all costs are included: sleeping place at resort (dorm), capoeira workshops, percussion workshops, breakfast, lunch, diner, drinks and alegria. If you join the ferry on thursday with the group, the ferry ticket (there and back) is also included. Confirmed Guests: – Mestre Requeijão – Mestre Grilo (host) – Contramestre Pé de Vento Costs: € 270,- We need to make reservations up front. Subscribe in this fb-event as well as by confirming to mestre Grilo: +31653610318 or (subscribing to the fb-event only, is not enough) Thursday 19/05 15:00 Ferry Boat departure from Harlingen Sunday 11/05 17:00 Ferry Boat departure from Terschelling Island info Terschelling Resort: – Bring your instruments!!! – Bring your own bedsheets/sleeping bag and pillowsheets. (It is also possible to […]

Festa do Brasil Amsterdam 2016
Op zaterdag 24-2-2016 organiseert Grilo Capoeira Festa do Brasil. Een Brazilian party On saturday Feb 24th we organize a Brazilian Party at Noorderlicht Cafe in A’dam. Live music from 22.00, Samba, forro, Pagode, Capoeira, Caiprinha and more! Come and Party with us!

Capoeira Winter Meeting Amsterdam – Encontro de Inverno 2016
Ieder jaar organiseert Grilo Capoeira de Encontro de Inverno. Een meerdaagse capoeira meeting in Amsterdam, een capoeira evenement met workshops van verschillende mestres op gebied van capoeira, percussie, dans en meer. GriloCapoeira Winter Meeting 2016 Capoeira Event organized by Mestre Grilo, Escola Capoeira mestres and teachers from Europe and Brasil will be teaching classes for all levels. Plus special dance- and music classes. Bring your instruments! Pre-registration can be very helpful for the organisation of our event. Please let us know if you would like to join. For those traveling from abroad, sleeping places can be arranged (please bring your sleeping gear) Confirmed Guests: – Mestre Garrincha – Mestre Sorriso – Mestre Samara – Mestre Timbalada – Mestre Requeijão – Mestre Rui – Mestre Akesse – Mestre Grilo (Host) – Contramestre Tyson – Contramestre Joel – Contramestre Pé de Vento – And pandeiro workshops with Claudio Kron Program workshop: Thu February 18th, 18:45 – 22:00 Music and opening Roda (Montessorischool de Ekster, Karel Du jardinstraat 74, 1073 TE tram 4 from Central Station) Fri February 19th, 18:45 – 22:00 Capoeira Training All Levels (Basisschool de Mozaik, Verbindingstraat 2, 1073 TJ, tram 4 from Central Station) Sat February 20st, 11:30 […]